Why Is My Dachshund Shaking? What You Can Do to Help!

Have you ever noticed your dachshund trembling like a leaf and thought, “What’s going on with my little sausage dog?” Don’t worry—you’re not alone! Dachshund shaking is a pretty common behavior, but it can leave owners scratching their heads. In this article, we’ll reveal all the reasons your dachshund might be shaking. Whether they’re trembling while they sleep, quivering after playtime, or just randomly shaking like they’ve got the chills, I’ve got you covered. Plus, I’ll share some tips to help soothe your furry friend and figure out if it’s something you should be concerned about.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

Is It Normal for Dachshunds to Shake?

First things first: yes, it’s usually normal for dachshunds to shake! But (and this is a big “but”), it depends on why they’re shaking.

Dachshunds are a small breed with high energy and lots of personality, but their little bodies can sometimes overreact to things. Shaking can be caused by something harmless—like excitement—or it could be a sign of something more serious, like pain or illness.

The key is figuring out the reason behind the trembling.We listed all the possible causes so you can get a better idea of what’s happening with your pup.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

Why Is My Dachshund Shaking? (All the Reasons Explained)

Here’s a full breakdown of why your dachshund might be shaking, from normal behavior to potential health issues:

1. They’re Cold

Dachshunds don’t have a ton of body fat or a thick coat to keep them warm, especially the short-haired variety. If it’s chilly outside or you’ve got the AC cranked up, your pup might be shivering simply because they’re cold.

What You Can Do:

  • Pop a sweater or jacket on them during walks in cold weather.
  • Provide cozy blankets or a heated dog bed to help them warm up indoors.

2. Excitement or Anticipation

Have you ever seen your dachshund start shaking when they know it’s time for a walk or dinner? That’s pure excitement! Dachshunds can get so pumped up about things that their bodies literally can’t contain it.

What You Can Do:

  • This type of shaking isn’t harmful, so you don’t need to worry. Just enjoy their enthusiasm—it’s part of what makes dachshunds so adorable!
  • However, if your dog starts to pee from happiness every time he/she sees you coming home, then it’s the time to change your routine. Do not overreact and don’t show big emotions. You can just say ‘Hi’ to your dog without hugging and kissing him.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

3. Stress or Anxiety

Dachshunds are sensitive little dogs and can get stressed out by things like loud noises, new environments, or separation from their favorite humans. Shaking is a common sign of anxiety in dogs as well as burrowing behavior.

What You Can Do:

  • Create a safe, quiet space for them to retreat to during stressful situations.
  • Try calming products like a Thundershirt, calming sprays, or CBD treats (check with your vet first).
  • Keep a consistent routine—they thrive on predictability.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

4. Pain or Discomfort

Unfortunately, dachshunds are prone to certain health issues, like back problems (Intervertebral Disc Disease, or IVDD). If they’re in pain, they might start trembling as a response. To prevent spine issues in your pooch, vets often recommend not allowing Doxies to climb stairs.

How to Spot It:

  • Look for other signs like whining, limping, or trouble moving around.
  • If your dachshund seems stiff or reluctant to climb stairs or jump, it could be back pain.

What You Can Do:

  • Take them to the vet for a check-up ASAP. Pain-related shaking is a sign that something might need medical attention.

5. Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

Small breeds like dachshunds can sometimes experience drops in blood sugar, especially if they’ve gone too long without eating. Hypoglycemia can cause trembling, lethargy, or even seizures in severe cases.

What You Can Do:

  • Feed your dachshund small, frequent meals to keep their blood sugar stable.
  • Keep a high-calorie gel or honey on hand (check with your vet for specific advice).

6. They’re Dreaming!

Dachshund shaking when sleeping is actually really common. When your pup hits the REM stage of sleep, their little body might twitch or shake as they dream. It’s totally normal and usually nothing to worry about.

What You Can Do:

  • Just let them sleep! It’s adorable to watch, and they’re probably chasing dream squirrels.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

7. Nausea or Upset Stomach

If your dachshund has an upset stomach, they might tremble as a reaction. This could be caused by eating something they shouldn’t have, motion sickness, or even certain medications.

What You Can Do:

  • Monitor for vomiting, diarrhea, or lack of appetite.
  • Offer bland food like boiled chicken and rice until their stomach settles.
  • Contact your vet if the symptoms persist or get worse.

8. Neurological Issues

In rare cases, shaking can be a sign of a neurological condition like epilepsy or tremor syndrome. This is less common but worth mentioning if your dachshund’s trembling seems severe or out of the ordinary.

What You Can Do:

  • Keep track of when and how often the shaking occurs.
  • Get your vet involved to rule out any serious conditions.

9. Old Age or Weakness

As dachshunds get older, their muscles can weaken, and trembling might become more frequent. This is often just a natural part of aging, but it’s still a good idea to check with your vet to make sure it’s not pain-related.

What You Can Do:

  • Provide orthopedic bedding to support their aging joints.
  • Keep their weight in check to reduce strain on their back and legs.

10. Medical Conditions Like Cushing’s Disease or Addison’s Disease

Certain medical conditions can cause shaking in dachshunds. For example:

  • Cushing’s Disease: Caused by excessive cortisol levels, leading to symptoms like trembling, increased thirst, and weight gain.
  • Addison’s Disease: Caused by low cortisol levels, with symptoms like shaking, lethargy, and vomiting.

What You Can Do:

  • If you suspect a medical condition, consult your vet immediately for testing and treatment options.

why is my dachshund shaking ask dachshund

How to Soothe Your Shaking Dachshund

If your dachshund’s shaking seems harmless (like excitement or dreaming), you don’t need to do much except enjoy their quirky behavior. But if they’re cold, anxious, or showing signs of pain, here’s how you can help:

  1. Keep Them Comfortable:
    • Make sure they’re warm and cozy. Blankets, sweaters, and snuggles work wonders!
  2. Reduce Stress:
    • Create a calm environment and avoid loud noises or overwhelming situations.
  3. Stick to a Routine:
    • Consistency is key for dachshunds—they feel safer when they know what to expect.
  4. Visit the Vet:
    • If you’re worried about the shaking or notice other symptoms, don’t hesitate to get a professional opinion.

Why Is My Dachshund Shaking? Wrapping Up

So, why is your dachshund shaking? It could be something totally normal, like excitement or dreaming, or it might be a sign of something more serious, like pain or illness. The key is paying attention to when and why it happens so you can figure out the cause.

If you’re ever in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check with your vet. At the end of the day, no one knows your dachshund better than you!

Remember: shaking doesn’t mean your dachshund is broken—it’s just part of the weird and wonderful world of owning a sausage dog.

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